Monday, July 22, 2013

My Favorite Stars

Watching my favorite Korean Superstars are one of the few things that I love to do to kill time. Today I watch again the We Got Married Episodes of Lee Teuk and Kang Sora, they are my favorite virtual couple because they're both funny and I can see that they are true to themselves. On one of their very first episodes they went to Namsan Tower to have their first date. Namsan Tower at night is such a beautiful sight, it is also the highest point in Seoul because it sits atop Namsan Mountain. Before eating at a restaurant they first went to the rooftop to see the panoramic view of Seoul and its surrounding areas. The view was so stunning that many actually considered Seoul Tower as the best tower in Asia. All the city lights are glittering and even the Namsan Tower had illuminated cubes as an additional design on their rooftop. Afterwards they went down to eat at a famous french restaurant called N. Grill, it is a rotating restaurant that serves full courses for their steak menus along with vintage wine. 

After finishing their main course, Teuk told Sora that he prepared something for her. So he stood up and assembled the organ and played a song made specially for Sora. Teuk felt so nervous at first that he made some mistakes on some notes but eventually learned to compose himself and was able to successfully play the song that he made for her. Sora was very happy and pleased by how she was pampered by Teuk. She really felt like a real princess that day and Teuk promise her that during their marriage period he will do everything to show her how much he love her and Sora promised the same thing to Teuk. But of course every date has to end and it is almost midnight so they have to say goodbye to each other but before leaving they took a picture of themselves as a souvenir for their first date at Namsan Tower

All of the episodes are automatically playing and I didn't realize that I already fell asleep. When I woke up after an hour their videos are still playing. So I decided to turn off my laptop to continue sleeping. I just hope that Teuk and Sora would end up together for real and not just for reel. Today Teuk is serving in military for two years while Sora is busy with many Tv shows and dramas. If she have a free time she sometmes visit Teuk at the military camp. As a fan, I really prayed and wished that they would be together forever, but who knows what their heart really felt right? All I could do is to be happy in whatever decision they would make and just support them, because that's what fans do.

 - Co Writer, Mariecon Alvarez

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