Monday, February 10, 2014

Ideal Gift On Valentines Day

Visiting my garden everyday takes the stress away from my body and mind. I am very happy to see some of my flowering plants are budding already and I am expecting beautiful flowers from them soon. And when they do, I will definitely transfer some of them to the abbey round fiberglass planters that I bought last Christmas Sale. So that, I could display them in the porch of the house because they would definitely be an eye catching piece once fully bloomed. Plus the attractive and versatile round fiberglass planters are manufactured with style and function. The smooth design translates well across a range of different landscapes, architectural and design styles, It has a simple but graceful presence.

I just hope that some of the flowers will bloom before Valentines Day, but I really don't think it's possible because we are just a few days away from the celebration. I wanted to give my husband some of the roses that I have planted because I want him to know that my love for him is just like the plant, I will take care of, nourish and maintain everyday so that they will grow and bloom beautifully and happily. It might sound a bit corny but It's actually true and I am also excused to be cheesy on Valentines Day. Lovers around the world have the right to do all the crazy things that they do not normally do on just ordinary days. To love and be loved is the most wonderful feeling in the whole world, that is why we must know how to take care of the relationship because just like plants it can wither and die if not given the right amount of everything that they need.

Let us always remember that life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, let us love the people who treats us right and just ignore the one's who don't. And always believe that everything happens for a reason, if you get a chance then take it and if it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that everything would be easy but they just promised it would all be worth the ride. 

Contributor: Mariecon Alvarez

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